In the crime shows, the perp
tries to delete the evidence that he’s been surfing the “How to Kill Your Wife”
websites, but some third-level geek in the FBI lab pulls it up and they nail
the guy for Murder One. “Nothing is ever deleted,” we learn. It’s in the
computer somewhere.
So -- when my computer
contracted a case of temporary Alzheimer’s, it shouldn’t have been that big a
problem. Especially since I took the precaution, when first setting things up,
of adding a huge-capacity backup hard drive. That should mitigate any effect of
losing things on the primary drive, I thought.
Well, not necessarily. A lot of
stuff went missing this past week for as-yet unknown reasons, and the loss included
the blog posts I’d been preparing. My computer guy rummaged around in the
bowels of the machine for six hours, and some things have been recovered, but
not nearly all.
I hate to miss a deadline and I
can’t let this one pass without proving to myself that I didn’t really miss it.
On the other hand, I’m too annoyed to come up with 3-400 words that would be
interesting, even to me. Maybe another six hours inside the computer...